Holy Spirit College, Bellambi, has a strong history and culture. The uniform represents our commitment to the R.I.S.E values of the college and our high standing in the community.
At the College we expect:
All students must wear the correct uniform to and from the College with pride daily.
All items of uniform must be purchased from the College Uniform Shop, NOONE.
Students are not permitted in the Uniform Shop during class time.
See the College’s Uniform Policy for more information.
Standard Opening Hours – School Terms Only:
Tuesday 8:15am to 2:00pm and Thursday 12:00pm to 4:00pm
For all information regarding the purchasing of uniform please visit the NOONE website.
Second Hand Uniforms
The College Uniform Shop, operated by Noone Imagewear, provides the opportunity for current and incoming parents to sell and purchase good quality second-hand uniforms at a reduced price.
Purchasing Second-Hand Uniforms
Second-hand uniforms can be purchased in-store and during the Uniform Shop’s trading hours. All second-hand uniforms have been assessed and dry-cleaned to ensure they meet the College’s uniform standards.
Selling Second-Hand Uniforms
Parents wishing to sell second-hand uniforms can do so via the Uniform Shop.
The College also supports the Facebook page titled ‘Second Hand Uniforms - Holy Spirit College Bellambi’ as a means of selling, buying or paying it forward with uniform items. For quick access to the site please use the QR Code below.