At Holy Spirit College, Bellambi, our curriculum represents a well-rounded education in keeping with our Catholic Values.
The College staff are committed to continuous development as they pursue excellence in teaching and learning within a Catholic setting. They work collaboratively to embed their understanding and application of evidence-based teaching for 21st-century learning. It is our belief that this style of learning supports each student to reach their full potential and inspire meaningful engagement within an ever-changing world.
Our Higher School Certificate and NAPLAN results are evidence that good quality teaching and learning are at the centre of our work. While we take pride in the fact that approximately 70% of graduating students go on to University, we are equally proud of the many other students who go on to TAFE and similar institutions and those that go straight into the workforce.
Additionally, all teaching departments are extremely well-resourced. Facilities include science laboratories, computer rooms, art and music rooms, multi-media, industrial technology workshops and an industry-standard hospitality kitchen. The College also has a very well-equipped Resource Centre and Support Department.
Teaching and Learning
Holy Spirit College is a Catholic, coeducational and comprehensive high school committed to the development of the whole person. We are committed to guiding each student to understand and learn at their particular point of challenge, and to celebrate the growth they achieve. Our Teaching and Learning strategies place at their heart the learner attributes of resilience, integrity, spirit and excellence. Our intention is to foster students who can celebrate their successes and learn from their mistakes to support life long learning.
At Holy Spirit College our approach to learning supports teachers to design experiences that are responsive to the needs and interests of individual students. This is aimed to provide a learning environment that fosters and promotes students’ spiritual, academic and emotional growth so that each student can reach their potential.