Lord God,
We ask that today
Our ears hear your voice.
Our minds receive your wisdom.
Our hearts welcome your love, and
Our spirit knows your way.
Catholic Life
At Holy Spirit College, Bellambi, we endeavour to “Live by the Truth” (John 14:6).
Religious Education at Holy Spirit College
Holy Spirit College is centred on the example of Jesus Christ, giving our Catholic school its purpose: the formation of the whole person. The College embraces the responsibility to be integral to the Church’s mission to proclaim the Good News to all people. Accordingly, the fundamental role of Religious Education at Holy Spirit College is to provide opportunities for the spiritual development of students, staff, and the broader College community.
The College is a centre for evangelisation and religious instruction, and supports the broader work of the Church in catechesis. Staff at Holy Spirit College model gospel values, and in so doing propagate the example of Jesus Christ. Religious Education is a mandatory component of the 7-12 College curriculum. Upon enrolment, parents, caregivers and students agree to support our Catholic ethos. This includes compulsory attendance at College reflection days and retreats. These events are aligned with both gospel values and the needs of the relevant year group. The cost of reflection and retreat days is incorporated within annual College fees.
College Liturgical Life
The College facilitates a range of opportunities for students, staff and the community to be involved in the fullness of Christian life. This is through Daily Prayer, College Masses and Memorial Services. Youth Ministry Leaders and the Student Representative Council are leaders of the College community. As such, it is expected that they would take an active and leading role in the preparation and running of the various liturgical events held by the College.
The College pauses during Homeroom each morning for Daily Prayer. Youth Ministry Leaders share, on a roster system, leading Daily Prayer via the College PA. Where a morning assembly has been scheduled selected Catholic Studies classes will lead College prayer.
The College aims to provide a number of opportunities for students to attend Liturgical and Eucharistic Celebrations throughout the year. Occasions during which these celebrations are traditionally held include Ash Wednesday, Easter, Year 12 Graduation Mass and Christmas.
Ritual and liturgy offer an important way of dealing with death in our Catholic context. Hence the College commemorates an annual Mass for deceased members of the the community. Additionally, students who experience the death of a family member are customarily offered a prayer service at the discretion of the College Principal (or Assistant Principal or Leader of Mission in their absence). Typically, this service is offered in the instance of the death of a parent, step-parent, sibling, step-sibling or current student of the College. The prayer service, organised by the Religious Education team, is intended to express solidarity and support of the family, particularly of the affected student/s. Family members are invited to attend the service, along with the year group and Pastoral Coordinators of the student/s.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry at Holy Spirit College aims to draw students into the life and mission of the broader Catholic church community.
The College works in collaboration with Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) and the Office of the Bishop (OOB) to provide internal and external faith-formation opportunities for students. Each year the College appoints students as Youth Ministry Leaders (YMLs) to promote, organise and facilitate Youth Ministry initiatives. These initiatives encourage students to apply a Catholic lens when determining ethical responses to contemporary societal issues.
In addition to internal Youth Ministry events, CEDoW and OOB facilitate Live Twilight Retreats and the Diocesan Catholic Youth Festival (Year 9-12) wherein students experience plenaries, workshops and worship sessions.