Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice is a framework to ensure that relationships are at the centre of any resolution and to support the inclusion of all voices.
Restorative Justice
As a proud Catholic community, the College embraces Gospel values through the practice of Restorative Justice. Positive behaviour is an integral part of the College and all situations are resolved with a focus on respect for all individuals, underpinned by the philosophy of restorative justice, where all stakeholders have a voice and there is a strong recognition of the community and how our choices impact others. The aim of the College is to resolve issues and to see students integrated back into College life so they can continue with their learning.
The College uses specific practices and strategies to restore relationships and this is supported by a behaviour management system that ensures students are accountable for their actions and are given opportunity to reflect on their choices. The College conducts lunchtime reflections sessions, where students are supported to complete a reflection that is guided by the principles of restorative justice. Monday Afternoon detention is utilised for more serious breaches of the College’s policies and agreements.
Restorative practices include:
Affective statements in classroom management
Structured reflection questions
Structured restorative conversations between peers and between students and teachers
Community Service
Restorative practice is built on the principles of:
Fostering student awareness of how their behaviour affects others
Actively involving the student in resolution process making them accountable for their actions
Modelling a way to repair relationships and move forward through collaboration
Acceptance of ambiguity
Separate person from behaviour or action
Viewing conflict or errors as learning opportunities
Affective Questions:
What happened?
How did your actions contribute to this incident?
Who do you think was affected? How were they affected? How were you affected?
What needs to happen to make things right?
If the same situation happens again how could you behave differently?