Parents and Friends Association
The Parents and Friends Association of Holy Spirit College, Bellambi is an integral part of the overall College community.
As per the Proposed Constitution put forth from the Wollongong Catholic Education Office, the Parents and Friends Association at Holy Spirit College aims to:
Promote the faith life and educational goals of the school in the context of its particular role within the mission of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Wollongong
Foster effective partnerships involving parents, students, staff, parish and diocese for the provision of authentic Catholic education within a quality learning environment
Work at all times in a cooperative manner with the Principal of the school and consult with them in matters relating to the educational needs of the school, staff and pupils
In consultation with the Parish Priest and Principal, raise funds to provide material assistance in equipping, maintaining and developing the school
Be represented by the Diocesan Delegate, who has previously held a position on the school P&F executive, at various and appropriate public meetings and gatherings as guided by the Diocesan Parents and Friends Forum
Promote appropriate social contact among the parents and friends of the school
Where appropriate, be a voice for parents on matters of education
Parents and Friends Association
The Parents and Friends Association of Holy Spirit College, Bellambi is an integral part of the overall College community. Held in high esteem, the Parents and Friends Association has long ties with the history of the College, and strives to promote and nurture community spirit.
The Holy Spirit College Parents and Friends Association meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Mary MacKillop Conference Room or via Zoom. This meeting is an informal forum where matters pertaining to the education and well-being of the students are discussed.
It also provides a parental perspective to assist the Principal in decision making and aims to promote social contact among parents.
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend these informal meetings and be a part of the Holy Spirit College community.
President: Mrs Mary Munn
Vice Presidents: Mr Markus Meier-Lindner and Ms Vi Richardson
Secretary: Mrs Catherine Feldhausen
Treasurer: Mrs Rebecca Cusack
Email: hscpandf@dow.catholic.edu.au