Transition and Pathways
Finishing secondary school is the end of a formative chapter in a young person's life and the beginning of an important new one! The transition comes with new independence and a lot of big decisions to make.
Transition and Pathways
Today’s students need to be adaptable, flexible, confident, critical and creative thinkers.
They will need to be innovative and future-focused to manage the range of challenges of entering and adapting to a workforce characterised by continual evolution as a result of forces such as advances in technology, globalisation and structural change within the Australian economy.
Therefore, a high quality, school-based career education program and career learning opportunities are required to prepare students to manage these challenges.
Career learning describes the ongoing lifelong process of managing learning, work and life.
Holy Spirit’s Transition and Pathway Program aims to provide learning opportunities where students can develop their ability to find meaning and purpose in their life through the exploration of their God-given skills, talents and passions. Students will benefit from a combination of knowledge, skills and values to assist them in their decision making and career pathway planning.
The program runs from Year 7 to Year 10. The scope and sequence of the lessons is designed to support students in the developing of a better understanding of themselves, the options available to them and the skills required to achieve their career goals. The program’s learning experiences also link with each other to build confidence and aspiration in the hope of better preparing young people for rewarding lives as engaged citizens in a dynamic society.