Learning and Technology
Holy Spirit College, Bellambi has embraced the many challenges and opportunities digital technologies bring in our rapidly changing world.
Learning and Technology
Holy Spirit College has embraced the many challenges and opportunities digital technologies bring in our rapidly changing world. The College is firmly focused on developing our students socially, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually so they can take their place in the world as good people who are productive, loving, and actively involved in making the world a better place through their relationships with others.
Being confident and competent users of Learning Technologies allows our students to leverage their potential to research, collaborate, propagate, and author digital content in order for them to take their place in the workplace and the community as truth seeking, hope filled individuals.
Through their responsible use of technology, our students will have additional tools to uphold the dignity of all individuals, to help the less fortunate, and to work with others in new ways.
To facilitate this digital learning, Holy Spirit employs a 'Bring Your Own Designated Digital Device' (or BYODD) program. We have been a leader in one to one learning technologies for over 15 years. Currently our program requires Year 7 and 8 students to have an Apple iPad with Apple Pencil and in Year 9 to 12 students use an Apple Macbook Air or Pro computer for their studies.
For more information please click here.